
Colossus Planters

  • 0-colossuslarge1
  • Colossus concrete planter
  • pl7_w444_c20


These Colossus planters can be used for residential or commercial use. Ideally suited for shopping malls, patio spaces and other common areas, these products can withstand extreme weather conditions and vandalism. If required, the planter can be anchored to a solid surface.

Item Size Height Weight
Colossus #3 36″ diameter 20″ 350 pounds
Colossus #4 48″ diameter 24″ 700 pounds
Colossus #5 60″ diameter 30″ 1200 pounds
SKU: Colossus Category:



These Colossus planters can be used for residential or commercial use. Ideally suited for shopping malls, patio spaces and other common areas, these products can withstand extreme weather conditions and vandalism. If required, the planter can be anchored to a solid surface.

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